Mùa thu chết

Posted by Hoàng Trúc on Tháng Hai 1, 2012

thân tặng người Quy Nhơn và Tây Ninh

Đi trong mùa thu chết

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Đi trong mùa thu chết

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Du dương lời gió thổi

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Đi trong mùa thu chết

Mênh mông đời mênh mông

Lạnh bàn tay vô tội

Nước mắt chảy vào lòng

Em nhặt mùa thu chết

Như tìm lại đời mình

Một thời yêu cháy đỏ

Một  bóng hình rêu phong.

Last modified on Tháng Hai 1, 2012

Categories: Thơ tình

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5 Responses to “Mùa thu chết”

  1. Chasmine Says:

    I went to tons of links before this, what was I thiignnk?

  2. http://w3conf.net/themeforest.net Says:

    – Olen samaa mieltä siinä, että nuo jakosuunnitelmassa vedetyt rajat eivät mitä todennäköisimmin tule toteutumaan. Moni palestiinalainen onkin herännyt ymmärtämään tämän – siksi yhden valtion malli onkin yhä suositumpi ratkaisumalli Länsirannalla. Todennäköisesti Israel purkaa syvällä Länsirannassa olevia yksinäisiä siirtokuntia ja panostaa vahvasti Jerusalemia ympäröiviin ja “rajan” läheisyydessä oleviin. Mutta: “Tällä hetkellä Israel ei miehitä kuin Golanin alueita.”- Olen vahvasti eri mieltä. Vastasin tähän aikaisemmassa kommentissa.

  3. württembergische kfz versicherung telefonnummer Says:

    – I shot this before he had guitar techs to clean his guitars for him. Actually, Flame was not as clean as it may seem. This was shot seconds after the other shots you refer to, so they are all the same cleaning. -JG

  4. http://www./ Says:

    Makes me wanna put on a Larry Norman album: “Some say he was an outlaw, that he roamed across the land, with a band of unschooled ruffians and a few old fishermen…Some say he was the sun of God, a man above all men, That he came to be a servant and to set us free from sin.” RIP Larry, and thank you.

  5. http://www./ Says:

    Heute muß ich bei Blogger immer zweimal kommentieren, machen die irgendetwas?Der Vogel ist ein Raubvogel und hat scharfe Augen, bevor die Katze kommt,, ist der schon längst fort.LG Mathilda ♥

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